Information overload ~ hurts so good ;-)

My brain is into full overload mode. The presentations at Rootstech have been wonderful ~ and have given me IDEAS! Lots of IDEAS! {We should probably have a moment of silence here for the sanity of my department head at the library..…}

Note: I’m trying out some of the blog features, so I’m writing this late afternoon Friday but I’m going to try to schedule it posting for later this evening. Let’s hope it works.

I still haven’t gotten closer than sixth cousins on FamilySearch’s relative finder app. Looking at who I do match with, it seems to be people descended from siblings of my ancestors. My lines stayed in New England, while my matches’ lines either were early Utah pioneers directly, or (more commonly) had settled in central New York or the Midwest for a couple generations before coming to Utah.

The most interesting and potentially useful session I went to today was about English parish chest records, which isn’t a type of record I’ve used that often. I’ve used the Scottish and Quaker equivalents, so I’ll be eager to look into these. The parish chest records (other than the baptism/marriage/burial registers) are less likely to be on line, but the notes from overseers of the poor, illegitimacy investigations, and settlement/residency examinations have great details if you can track them down. I’m going to try to find some good samples to put in the English genealogy program that I’m doing at the state library March 20.

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